green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Earthshade Natural Window Fashions

The planets first complete collection of nontoxic all natural window fashions

( Member since September 2006.  Listing views:11718 )

    Contact: craig
P.O. box 1003
City, State: Great BarringtonMassachusetts      Zip:01230
Phone: 413-528-5443    2nd Phone: 866-528-5443
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
The complete line of non-toxic, rapidly renewable, fair trade, insulating, sun-shading, & economical window fashions available in eight operating styles including motorization, & top-down/bottom-up for home, office, & fire code compliant contract settings. Available nationwide and in Canada

1) Building Green / Green Architect / Green Building Materials

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
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Nature Safe Spas  

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.

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