Dr Grow It All™ is an innovative, patented solution that takes
potentially hazardous waste, turns it into organic liquid fertilizer, and
because of its low cost to manufacture, makes organic produce cheaper at the
same time! With low-cost production (making it extremely affordable) and a
delivery system through commonly used irrigation, flood and drip feed systems
(meaning the Dr Grow It All™ brand does not need to utilize any other
additional resource to deliver it, unlike other synthetic fertilizers which
require added machinery and manpower to deliver its product), Dr Grow It
All™ is your perfect organic fertilizer partner. This unique product
delivers exceptional results, some of which include: • higher yielding
crops • tastier fruits and vegetables • no burning of seedlings •
healthier plants that can resist the natural pest & diseases, •
excessive application will not harm the crops, • nutrients that are
absorbed by the plants more quickly …& conditioning the soil! More
info at www.DrGrowItAll.com