Maternitique provides expecting and new mothers with safe, non-toxic products
for use before, during and after pregnancy. Our goal: worry-free mothers who
enjoy pregnancy, have easier childbirths and healthier babies. As our food
becomes less nutritious, our toys and clothing more toxic and our home
environments more polluted, the need for expecting mothers to minimize their
exposure to harmful products increases! Maternitique is a resource to make
healthy consumption choices easier ~ and more appealing ~ during the
childbearing years. Our natural, organic or non-toxic products are made by
socially responsible companies and packaged beautifully ~ to show that natural
is an attractive option! Every Maternitique product is screened in the
Environmental Working Group's cosmetic database for safety and low toxicity.
Plus, we've had our products with herbal and nutritional ingredients reviewed by
birth professionals for safety, efficacy & benefits.