Nishtha Organic FoodsOrganically grown Cereals, Pulses, Spices and Fruits
Member since February 2006.
Listing views:11909
Contact: Rajiv Bhatt
23, Narmada Complex, Railway Station Road,
State: |
Country: India
91 22 22018195
2nd Phone:
93228 29805
We at Nishtha Organic Foods are involved in marketing of Organic Food. Our
outlook is holistic and our vision is to make this Earth a Sustainable place for
us and our future generations.
By promoting Organic Food we are contributing
towards saving our Environment from getting polluted and preventing our
Ecosystem from getting damaged.
When we consume Organic Food we encourage
more and more farmers to take up Organic Farming. This means our Environment and
Ecosystem are not exposed to toxic Chemical based Fertilisers, Pesticides and
other Agrochemicals. This results in better Health, a Clean and Green Earth for
us and our future generations.
We can supply Certified Cereals, Pulses,
Spices and Fruits for US and European markets.
1) Whole Grains / Whole Grain Flour / Dried Beans