Our vegetable and meat CSAs for 2009 are FULL. Thanks for your interest in
Turner Farm’s CSAs. We are not keeping a waiting list for the vegetable
CSA. Don’t despair! There are other ways to get involved with the farm.
You can buy directly from Turner Farm from April until October. Hours are
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Friday 8:30 a.m.- dark, Thursday afternoons (after
2:30 p.m.) until dark, and on Saturdays at Findlay Market. As a way to get
involved, we invite you to come volunteer with us on weekdays from 8:30 a.m.
until 5 p.m. We have community volunteer opportunities for anyone intrested on
Tuesdays and Saturdays. We also offer workshops, classes, summer day camps for
children and horse-drawn wagon rides to the pumpkin patch in the fall. We have
gardening classes coming up. Please e-mail or call to be added to our mailing
list! The flower CSA still has openings and if you are interested in the meat
CSA, let us know. Call or email us for information.