Bon A-Pet-Treat! Pet Bakery Inc
Bon A-Pet-Treat! Pet Bakery (Calgary, Ab)
- Categories: Pet food
- Address: # 3, 5111 Bowness Road NW
- City, State: Calgary,
Province: Alberta
Country: Canada
Postal Code: T3B4M9
- Phone:
On File
- WebSite:
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Bon A-Pet-Treat! Pet Bakery Inc
- Description:
Bon A-Pet-Treat! A pet bakery in Calgary, Alberta specializing in natural baked goods for your pet. Birthday cakes, cookies, pupcakes, lollipups, we do it all!! Our goal is to ensure that your pet is both happy and healthy - we do not add any preservatives or artificial flavours to our products. Not only are our ingredients veterinarian-approved, but we have also put them through the scrutiny of an animal nutritionist! Not just a bakery anymore, we now carry natural foods! (RAW, DRY, DEHYDRATED, CANNED, ETC)
- Online Ordering: