Mary Rose Herb Farm & Rural Retreat
Mary Rose Herb Farm & Rural Yurt Retreat
- Categories: lodging / bed & breakfast
- Address: 23112 Cattail Rd
- City, State: Bristow,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 47515
- Phone:
Not Available
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Mary Rose Herb Farm & Rural Retreat
Contact: Richard Betz-RosaLee Sheard
- Description:
This retreat is hidden in a valley in Perry County Indiana.. Overnight lodging in YURTS-centrally heated and air conditioned. Gourmet Breakfast included. Massage, Health consultations, additional meals available for overnight guests. A quiet, peaceful gathering place featuring Japanese Soaking tubs under the stars, luxury yurt (ger) accommodations, Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal remedies, and alternative, sustainable lifestyle motivation. 2 1/2 miles of hiking trails in the hardwood forests.
- Online Ordering: