National Co-op Directory
National Co-op Directory - Listing of all the co-op natural food stores in USA
- Categories: other vacation / travel
- Address: 10045 Vt Rt 12 #1
- City, State: Bethel,
Country: United States
Postal Code: 05032
- Phone:
Not Available
- WebSite:
- Email:
National Co-op Directory
Contact: George Keller
- Description:
National Co-op Directory is a 48 page listing of all the natural food co-ops in the country and there are extra sections listing co-op distributors and support organizations. Basic listings include address information and at the request of a co-op we also list tel#, fax#, e-mail address, web-page address, contact person, store hours and directions to the store. In another section we list some services provided by each co-op. State and national maps help travelers plan trips and locate co-ops.
- Online Ordering: