
Automatic Soymilk Maker - Quality Stainless Steel

  • Categories: kitchenware / appliances
  • Address: 2770 Arapahoe Rd Suite 132 PMB 192      Map
  • City, State: Lafayette,  Colorado   Country: United States   Postal Code: 80026
  • Phone: 303-309-9831    Fax: Not Available
  • WebSite: http://www.qtessencesoymilkmaker.com
  • Email: Q'Tessence    Contact: Bill Rumbley
  • Description:

    *** Use coupon code HAPPYSOYMILK at checkout to get $20 off your soymilk maker order ***

    The Q’Tessence Soymilk Maker makes fresh, rich, pure soymilk fast. Homemade soy milk has only soybeans, water, and the ingredients you choose. No additives. Making soymilk at home was time consuming, but the QT400 makes it simple. With its microprocessor, it takes under 20 minutes. Add water and soybeans and press start. You can use either soaked or "dry" soybeans. The QT400 does the rest. It heats the beans first to improve flavor, then finely grinds them, releasing pure soy milk. After thoroughly boiling the soymilk, it beeps and your soymilk is ready to flavor the way you like it.

  • Online Ordering: Yes

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