The Natural Pet Health Store, LLC.
All-Natural Pet Foods, Supplements, Herbals for your Pets
- Categories: Pet food
- Address: 10536 Hwy 902
- City, State: Bear Creek,
North Carolina
Country: United States
Postal Code: 27207
- Phone:
Second Phone:
Not Available
- WebSite:
No Website
- Email:
The Natural Pet Health Store, LLC.
Contact: Tammy
- Description:
We carry a wide range of 100% natural products for your pets, including Raw Diets and bones, Dry, canned, freeze-dried foods and treats. Herbal remedies, supplements, flower essences, Lupine collars and leashes, natural cat litters and much more. We support local pet rescue and adoption as well as spay and neuter programs.
Our guarantee to our customers: We only carry products that we believe in 100%. If it's not good enough for our pets...why would we carry it in our store for your
- Online Ordering: