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Crisper Carpet LLC

Crisper Carpet LLC

( Member since May 2016.  Listing views:4105 )

P.O. Box 8
City, State: GermansvillePennsylvania      Zip:18053
Phone: 484-553-6844
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     

Crisper Carpet is a patented product that regulates the moisture content in refrigerator crisper drawers while capturing and neutralizing ethylene gas that is emitted from produce as it ripens. 

Crisper Carpet is a valued-added product for consumers of fresh produce. Reducing waste saves money and allows consumers to eat more of what they purchase and discard less.

Crisper Carpet prevents the growth of mold and mildew. Produce resting gently on the carpet while in the crisper drawer also prevents bruising. Either side of the carpet is usable, there is no wrong or right side.

Crisper Carpet is safe, easy to use and recyclable.

The outer FDA compliant mesh should be recycled with plastics and the all natural inner liner is compostable.

There are no chemicals or aritificail additives in our product or used in the making of our product.

We recommend that the carpets be replaced every 6 months with a new set.

$19.99/2 pack plus tax. Free shipping with any order.

Visit our website for more information.

Eat Fresh. Waste Less. Save Money!


We offer wholesale pricing B2B with a minimum purchase order of one dozen 2 packs. 




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