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Ancient Hawaiian Healings

Ancient Hawaiian Healings

( Member since January 2010.  Listing views:7401 )

    Contact: Kristi Stoll
Web Only
City, State: WailukuHawaii      Zip:97693
Phone: 808-283-9273
Online ordering: No     
Passed from ancient times through a lineage of Hawaiian Kahuna (shaman), this energy healing technique is a gift of immense transformative power used to cleanse, balance and renew on all levels: Body, Mind, Spirit, and Emotion. Benefits: After receiving an energy healing session, you have the opportunity to experience: Greatly reduced or eliminated symptoms of any dis-ease; Reconnection to your inner self; Relaxed state of being; Inner feeling of calm and peacefulness. Similar to Reiki, but much more powerful, this healing modality is one to be experienced!

1) Body Work / Energy Work / Meditation

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