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Aquarian Wellness, Inc.

Aquarian Wellness Colonhydrotherapy

( Member since November 2008.  Listing views:6484 )

    Contact: Dorotee or Elle
403 South Fairfax Ave
City, State: Los AngelesCalifornia      Zip:90036
Phone: 323-655-8385    Fax: 645-698-8385
Online ordering: No     
We offer colonhydrotherapy services, lymphatic drainage, ear coning, detox cleansing and fasting plans, nutrition counsel,herbs, yoga, ionic foot bath,infrared sauna,herbal supplements. Our programs follow Ayurvedic concepts, main service is colon irrigation as we believe that to clean the colon from old mucoid plaque accumulation is the most important path to a healthy balanced body wellness. During the years of our lives waste from foods processed collects on the walls of the intestines as residue forming layers that create a thick mucoid plaque often preventing the body's absorption of nutrients and even more often flushing toxins festering inside the mucous lining back into the blood stream compromising your body's ability to create new healthy cells to rejuvenate. Colonics offer a gentle natural method to free your body of toxins without the use of laxatives and invasive procedures. Colon hygiene is the best step to balanced wellness and a strong immune system for a lifetime of health.

1) Wellness Products / Wellness Services

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