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Black's Pest Services

Green Chemistry, quality pest control. Black's Pest Services LLC

( Member since January 2007.  Listing views:10361 )

    Contact: Bernard Black
22975 South Bland Circle
City, State: West LinnOregon      Zip:97068
Phone: 503-723-7957
Online ordering: No     
We offer Termite Control using Sentricon (Winner of the 2000 Presidential Green Chemistry Award) for excellent, low-impact termite control. Our wood beetle control involves the use of Boricare (a product that uses boric acid and food grade glycols). Properly treated wood will remain beetle free for the service life of the wood! (we warrant our work 10 years!). We have expertise in food processing plants as well. We offer a completely non-poisonous program for rodent control in food processing plants. Bernard Black, the founder and current manager has a B.S. from UC Berkeley in Pest Management and over 20 years of experience. "Natural" "Green" "Organic" style pest control doesn't have to mean that it is ineffective. Contact me for further informatio

1) pest control

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