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Borrowed Thyme Farm

Eggs From our Free Range, Heritage Breeds of Chickens and Ducks.

( Member since May 2010.  Listing views:9067 )

    Contact: Michael and Denise Kamer
24 Oakford Ave.
City, State: New EgyptNew Jersey      Zip:08533
Phone: 609-758-0564
Description: options include:
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     

We are a small family farm in central New Jersey. Our heritage breeds include Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Dominque, Silver Laced Wyndotte, and Golden Laced Wyndottes. We also carry the American breed of Ameruacana because we love the bluish-green eggs they lay. Our chickens are allowed access to plenty of space to do their "chicken duties". They love hunting for bugs, worms and lots of green stuff to eat. We also raise heritage breed ducks. We raise Silver Appleyard, Saxony, and Welsh Harliquin. One share of chicken eggs is 4 dozen eggs per month for $16. Ducks eggs are $6 per dozen and jumbo are $7 per dozen. We currently have 14 shares per week available.We also butcher ducks a few times�a year, priced at $5/lb. Pick up is at our house, regular date can be set up. We also raise rabbits for show, pets and meat. We raise blue Americans, black Silver Fox, black & blue Silver Marten and black, broken & chocolate Havanas. Meat rabbits are $8/lb. Show and breeding stock rabbits depend on age, but range from $50-$100 each. Different blood lines available.


1) CSA / Community Supported Agriculture / Buying Club

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