green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

Bright Wings, Inc.

Personal coaching.

( Member since February 2008.  Listing views:6944 )

1858 Pleasantville Rd., #166
City, State: Briarcliff ManorNew York      Zip:10510-1025
Phone: 888-833-1725    Fax: 914-944-0124
Online ordering: Yes     
Nancy currently works as a Life Coach trained at CoachU and the Graduate School of Coaching. She holds a BS in Secondary Education with a lifetime teaching degree; trained for 14 years with a Native American Elder in traditional Native American healing ways; studied Tibetan Buddhism with Masters, and is widely read in philosophy and the classics. She is also a student of prosperity, alternative and complementary medicine, quantum physics, and internet marketing -- not necessarily in that order.

1) Counseling Center / Spiritual Guidance / Health Coach

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Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals