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Chimp Haven Inc.

Like humans, chimpanzees need space, companionship and choices. They need Chimp Haven.

( Member since July 2000.  Listing views:15911 )

    Contact: Public Affairs Office
13600 Chimpanzee Place
City, State: KeithvilleLouisiana      Zip:71047
Phone: 888-98-CHIMP (24467)    2nd Phone: 318-925-9575
Fax: 318-925-9576
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
Chimp Haven is a permanent home for chimpanzees. Conceived, designed and operated by the nation's renowned chimpanzee experts, the sanctuary and its experienced team are devoted to the well being all of each individual chimpanzee. Created out of need, Chimp Haven provides a cost-effective solution to the growing challenge of where to send chimpanzees who are no longer wanted. After years in biomedical research or as pets and entertainers, the chimpanzees now have a special home of their own. Chimp Haven occupies 200 forested acres within a 1,200 acre nature park in Northwest Louisiana. As many as 300 chimpanzees can live here much like they would in the wild - roaming acres of wooded habitats, relaxing in soft nests with companions or climbing high into the trees. The United States government has selected Chimp Haven as the National Chimpanzee Sanctuary. Private dollars are necessary to match the federal funding, which means your contribution is critical to the success of Chimp Have

1) Animal welfare

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