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Douglas hubands, dc, ccn, abaahp (in rivera chiropractic group)

Holistic Doctor/Chiropractor for Adrenal Fatigue, Hormonal Imbalance, Digestive Disorders, Diabetes

( Member since December 2007.  Listing views:10235 )

    Contact: Dr. Douglas Husbands, DC, CCN, ABAAHP
1168 El Camino Real
City, State: San CarlosCalifornia      Zip:94070
Phone: 650-802-8700    2nd Phone: 650-394-7470
Fax: 650-802-8712
Online ordering: Yes     
Dr Husbands has been helping people resolve chronic illness and restore health in California for over 20 years. Dr Husbands is one of the best trained holistic doctors in the U.S. He is a Functional Medicine Practitioner, Chiropractor, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, and an Anti-Aging Health Practitioner. His education and experience provide a unique combination that covers the key components to help you restore your health. His B.S. degree in physiology and chiropractic education were his foundation as a physician. With his Functional Medicine training, he has the knowledge to stop and/or reverse various disease processes. His nutrition and anti-aging healthcare knowledge are the tools he uses to influence the human body towards wellness. His bodybuilding and exercise trainer experience provided him with hands-on knowledge for teaching exercises to help with healing. He offers phone consultations for people outside of the San Francisco bay area.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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