green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

DownToEarth Buying Club

DownToEarth Buying Club - A community of people helping each other buy healthy, affordably (West.MD)

( Member since April 2008.  Listing views:9627 )

    Contact: Diane or Angela
10206 Hill Crest Drive
City, State: CumberlandMaryland      Zip:21502
Phone: 301-723-0196    2nd Phone: 301-722-7242
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
DownToEarth is a Buying Club. We are not a storefront operation. We are a local organization made up of volunteers. We are a group of people who strive to buy natural and organic products directly from distributors rather than retail stores. We do this by volunteering our time and talents to the operations of the club, thereby trading our time for lower prices. When we order as a group, we have buying power that allows us to order from wholesale distributors who may not otherwise sell to individuals. This enables us to live healthy and not have to pay a fortune doing so! DownToEarth members can order fresh organic produce and a large variety of cooler, freezer and grocery items as well as household cleaners, health and beauty aids, vitamins, herbs, pet supplies and more from wholesale distributors every month. Local free-range meats can also be ordered when available.

1) CSA / Community Supported Agriculture / Buying Club

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