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Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals ( ESMA)

Defending Animal rights in Egypt and working for animal protection law

( Member since August 2009.  Listing views:9133 )

    Contact: Mona Khalil
Abo Seer- Maryoteya
City, State: Giza,    Country: other    -----
Phone: 0020122188823
Description: Business to Business sales ONLY
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
The Egyptian Society for Mercy to Animals (ESMA) was formed in late 2007 in response to a horrific shooting spree of street dogs by the Egyptian government. A small group of Egyptians and expatriates came together to fight this notion of population control and to protect and rescue the animals in immediate danger. ESMA is a charitable organization registered in Egypt (No. 3059/2007) that operates a shelter and adoption center. We are committed to improving animal welfare in Egypt in all areas of need, including: dogs and cats; donkeys and horses; animals in the Cairo zoo; and pet shops. We work on awareness campagins and are trying to reach an agreement with the government for a national sterilization program for strays.

1) Animal welfare

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