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Environmental Justice Foundation

a direct link between the need for environmental security and the defence of basic human rights

( Member since March 2007.  Listing views:8728 )

    Contact: Larissa Clark
1 Amwell Street
City, State: London,    Country: United-Kingdom    EC1R 1UL
Phone: 0207 239 3310    Fax: 0207 713 6501
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
EJF empowers those people who suffer most from environmental abuses to find peaceful ways of preventing them. Our organisation is all about helping people to help themselves. EJF: * Protects the natural environment and the people and wildlife that depend upon it by linking environmental security, human rights and social need. * Creates and implements solutions where they are needed most � training local people and communities who are directly affected, to investigate, expose and combat environmental degradation and associated human rights abuses. * Provides training in the latest video technologies, research and advocacy skills to document both the problems and solutions, working through the media to create public and political platforms for constructive change. * Campaigns to raise international awareness of the issues our partners are working to resolve locally.

1) Environmental

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
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