green directory of organic, fair trade and green products


Envirovert � recycled cotton clothing and fabric manufacturer

( Member since December 2008.  Listing views:7392 )

    Contact: Elliott Spiro
5475 Pare Suite 255
City, Province: Mount RoyalQuebec   Country: Canada    H4P 1P7
Phone: 514-223-8837
Description: Business to Business sales ONLY
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Using superior technology to manufacture high quality clothing and apparel, consumer goods and fabric from recycled cotton

1) Organic Cloth / Organic Yarn / Organic Textiles

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
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Our mission is to connect all eco friendly companies and organizations
99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.