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Green Street Vegetarian Club

The Green Street Vegetarian Club

( Member since December 2002.  Listing views:15367 )

    Contact: Marshall Galinsky
P.O. Box 5120
City, State: HarrisburgPennsylvania      Zip:17110-0120
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
The Green Street Vegetarian Club was formed in 1999 with the intention of helping area people make healthy and cruelty-free food choices that would favorably impact upon both their lives and the environment. Join us for vegetarian dinners prepared for our group by local restaurants and for bus trips to vegetarian restaurants and veg-friendly stores in other cities. Join us for our book discussions at Borders East shore, on the third Monday of each month at 7 PM (we meet in the art book section). Join us for other planned events such as discussions, picnics, and pot lucks. Visit our website for more information!

1) Vegetarian / vegan / raw food

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