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Healthy Homes Consulting, LLC

Healthy Homes Consulting - Electromagnetic Radiation Assessments, air and water filtration products

( Member since June 2016.  Listing views:4345 )

    Contact: Lee Sagula
327 Wagontown Road
City, State: W BrandywinePennsylvania      Zip:19320
Phone: 610-453-3736    2nd Phone: 610-453-3736
Fax: 610-453-3736
Online ordering: No      Mail / Phone order: Yes     

Lee Sagula,�BBEC, EMRS. �Building Biologist and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist since 2001. �I perform home and office assessments which now focus mainly on�Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF's).��Many health problems can be improved or eliminated once EMF's are mitigated including, but not limited to, insomnia, heart palpitations, anxiety and more serious problems such as autism, lyme disease and diabetes.

I am also trained in indoor air and water quality and make recommendations in those areas and sell�air filtration�and�water filtration�products.

You will learn many tips and easy changes to make your home environment healthier.�

I am available for presentations, newsletter contributions, etc.

For more info, please visit or visit Healthy Homes Consulting on Facebook.


1) Holistic practitioner / naturopaths

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