HtruO is the most affordable point of entry water
filter on the market to day. HtruO removes chlorine, chlorine-by-products,
dirt and particulate from all the water in your house or apartment.
HtruO is installed on the water main at the point in which water enters your
home and since any and all water destined to enter your house, apartment or
condominium passes through this point, HtruO can effectively remove chlorine and
dirt from all the municipal water that you and your family will eventually
HtruO filters all the water in your home. Including water from
your dishwasher, refrigerator, shower, sinks and washing machine. Stop using
plastic bottled water, save money, reduce your family's carbon footprint and
minimize the tons of plastic trash plastic water bottles contribute to landfills
each year.
HtruO is the most affordable whole house water filter on the market today.