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In Defense of Animals - Africa

Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, rescuing captive chimpanzees and fighting the bush-meat trade.

( Member since December 2001.  Listing views:17721 )

    Contact: Edmund Stone
700 SW 126th Avenue
City, State: BeavertonOregon      Zip:97005
Phone: 503-643-8302    Fax: 503-520-1195
Online ordering: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
In Defense of Animals - Africa (IDA-A) is both a project of In Defense of Animals and a non-governmental organization in the Republic of Cameroon. Its mission is to provide a sanctuary in a natural environment for captive chimpanzees in Cameroon and to wage a conservation campaign aimed at saving the country's remaining free-living chimpanzees. The sanctuary was founded in 1999 by Portland, Oregon veterinarian Dr. Sheri Speede, DVM who spends most of the year in the Cameroon jungle. Donations may be made onlin

1) Animal welfare

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