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Indigene Community of the Sustainable Development Corporation

Longhouse Solution

( Member since March 2010.  Listing views:7079 )

    Contact: Douglas Jack
9628 Jean-Milot
City, Province: LaSalle-MontrealQuebec   Country: Canada    H8R 1X9
Phone: 514-364-0599
Online ordering: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
The east and west coasts of the US and Canada were primarily Longhouse (apartment-like) with some Pueblo (townhouse-like) dwellings enabling young, handicapped, old and everybody to interact in proximity. Around the world 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') peoples lived in modular environmentally designed multi-home (longhouse or pueblo style) dwellings. Did the 5-nation 'People of the Longhouse' use this term of association more as a message to arriving whites because they could see our detached nuclear homes and lifestyles were not only unsustainable but overly consumptive, destructive, lonely and isolating? Indigene 'Community'(Latin = 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift or services') economy options recapture our worldwide indigenous heritage. We are all indigenous peoples from every quarter of the earth. Web-based Catalogues of Human Resources and accounting for contributions (debits and credits) through a Community Investment and Exchange System in apartment and townhouse blocks.

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