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Inner Alchemy

Inner Alchemy

( Member since January 2009.  Listing views:8364 )

    Contact: Kiran
1052 Mill Street
City, State: NapervilleIllinois      Zip:60563
Phone: 773-406-5814
Overview of Inner Alchemy: � How to maximize our feelings/emotion to use behind our visualization � How to visualize � How to change a negative thought into a positive thought. � The effects of negative thinking and how to release any negative emotion or thought � The power of focus and what to focus on � Moving from here to there (where you want to be). � Affirmations � Power of the subconscious mind � How our beliefs are limiting what we are trying to obtain and how we might � Confidence and fear and the role they play � Benefits and how to meditate and their relationship to creation � Listening to positive music/talk � Listening to your body

1) Counseling Center / Spiritual Guidance / Health Coach

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