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Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture, P.C.

Lake Placid Holistic Physician and Acupuncturist

( Member since August 2008.  Listing views:9073 )

    Contact: Dr. Karen Kan
1996 Saranac Avenue, Suite 2
City, State: Lake PlacidNew York      Zip:12946
Phone: 518-524-8188
Online ordering: Yes     
At Integrative Medicine & Acupuncture, P.C., we combine the best of Eastern and Western medicine to treat the whole person. We believe that great practitioner-patient relationships are the core of a successful healing partnership. We offer several different services including: - holistic health counseling - customized nutritional testing and treatment including targeted amino acid therapy for depression and anxiety - customized laboratory testing including heavy metal testing and hormonal and neurotransmitter testing - vibrational therapy with the Sound Table - acupuncture - hypnosis. We love to serve patients who are looking for a viable alternative or complement to drugs and surgery, or those who are looking for a holistic approach to health care and healing.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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