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International Aid for Korean Animals

IAKA/KAPS campaign against the torture and consumption of companion animals in Korea.

( Member since October 2000.  Listing views:16432 )

    Contact: Kyenan Kum
P.O. Box 20600
City, State: OaklandCalifornia      Zip:94620-0600
Phone: 510-271-6795    Fax: 510-271-6795
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
IAKA is a non-profit organization founded by Kyenan Kum in 1997 to promote animal protection and humane education in Korea. Since its inception Kyenan has worked tirelessly, campaigning worldwide to educate the international community about the difficult conditions for dogs and cats in Korea. A major victory for IAKA came in 2007 with the revision and strengthening of Korea�s 1991 Animal Protection law, which IAKA had long campaigned and petitioned to improve. KAPES was founded in late 2007 by Kyenan Kum and Haesun Park as a response to the newly strengthened Animal Protection law. The two activists realized that with stronger legal protections in place, direct protest of the government and of the meat trade would be less productive than eliminating the demand for dog and cat meat altogether, through hands-on education.IAKA/KAPES seeks to work in partnership with the government to successfully affect positive change in Korean society. The time is finally right to eliminate the plight of Korea�s dogs and cats.

1) Animal welfare

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