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Kathleen's Bees & Chickens

Bees for BVT, Eggs, Chickens and sometimes Guinea

( Member since February 2002.  Listing views:13940 )

    Contact: Kathleen
7806 US 322
City, State: CranberryPennsylvania      Zip:16319
Phone: 814-677-5132    2nd Phone: 814-724-6085
Description: options include: Organic
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Honey Bees available for bee venom therapy. Eggs; Brown, Blue, Green and Peach... unmedicated, and fed only local grains and suppluments. Save a Hen, eat a rooster! Ranged meat, chicken and Turkey. The natural grass diets create a wonderful dark yoke, flavorful eggs high in omega-3 and dark flavorful Meat. Guinea Meat is DARK and sweet! Birds available live or dressed out. Available in Pennsylvania only (except hatching eggs). Money order, personal checks and pay pal.

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