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Miss Snail Pail

A healthy alternative to pesticides-I hand collect snails from your garden

( Member since September 2007.  Listing views:8106 )

    Contact: Colleen
3505 N Michigan Ave.
City, State: PortlandOregon      Zip:97227
Phone: 503-887-7650
Online ordering: No     
Not just snails. Now all garden mollusks, that means slugs too!I am a snail collector helping you and your garden without the use of pesticides. Rather than squish or poison the nutritious mollusks, I will come to your garden and assess the damage. Together we can discuss a collecting schedule that will be affordable and most beneficial to the health of your plants. My initial assessment fee is $20. My pail rate (collecting in the dew of dawn or by the light of the moon) is $20/hr. I need to know if you use any bait or poison in your garden because I cook the snails for myself and others. Perhaps I can cook some for you. They are delicious and nutritious, and I have many ways to prepare them.

1) pest control

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