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Native Wildlife Solutions

Humane Pest Control and Wildlife Exclusion. We solve problems, we don't harm animals.

( Member since February 2011.  Listing views:7565 )

    Contact: Renee Owens
8712 Snow View Drive
City, State: El CajonCalifornia      Zip:92021
Phone: 619-220-4732    2nd Phone: 619-201-1965
Online ordering: No     
We are a HUMANE animal exclusion business, with a building contractor and wildlife biologist/environmental consultant on staff who have over 50 years combined experience between us. We do not kill or harm animals, we remove them, fix any damage done by the animal - or by a previous botched pest controller - and make sure the wildlife is excluded in the future from entering your home or structure. We exclude bees, raccoon, possums, skunks, squirrels, other rodents, coyotes, birds and nests, bats, and more. We also sell bird and bat houses. Most pest control businesses make money by repeat business, they know that when you kill a pest, that animal's cousins will move in to the vacated space sooner or later, because there is something desirable: food, shelter, warmth, a place to have babies, or all of the above. We ensure an animal cannot re-invade, and we do so by removing attractants and access into structures. You are invited to call for a free consult about your problem, education is half the battle!

1) pest control

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Nature Safe Spas  

99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.