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Natural Health Quest

Electro Physiological Frequency Xrroid (EPFX) represents state-of-art technology for bio-feedback.

( Member since December 2007.  Listing views:7365 )

    Contact: Dr. Gregory
Web Only
City, State:      -----
Phone: 866-503-2112    2nd Phone: 770-720-2115
Online ordering: Yes     
For many today, the traditional approach to health care is becoming financially burdensome while lacking in tangible results. Many are searching for alternatives and looking for options that can improve the quality of their lives � now! One such natural approach to achieving improved health has taken a quantum leap forward and it is recognized in the world of Complementary Health as �Energetic Medicine.� Taking the lead in this field of �energy medicine� is the Electro Physiological Frequency Xrroid (EPFX). This device represents state-of-the-art technology for bio-feedback systems which are directed towards stress detection and stress reduction.

1) Wellness Products / Wellness Services

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