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Organika Pest Control

Organic Pest Control Services, Industrial-Business-Home

( Member since May 2009.  Listing views:7488 )

    Contact: Gabriel J. Viera
Urb. Villas de Castro, Calle 2A-AI-11
City, State: Caguas,    Country: Puerto-Rico    00725
Phone: 787-487-7373
Online ordering: No     
Avoiding chemical pesticides in your home, business and industry is a great step to ensuring the health and safety of your family, pets, neighborhood, clients, employees and the earth! We provide services of treatment of gardens and structure to prevent and eliminate cockroaches, ants, fly, rat, mice, termite, moth, scorpion, and others. We have more than 6 years of experience doing this type of services. If you need a Pest Control Professional, do not hesitate to contact us and remember... "Don�t let that any pest touch your (home/business)place".

1) pest control

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