Reusable Packaging Options is a unique
website with a fast growing seelction of packaging containers and tools
that are reusable by
design. This includes exclusive products such as the Globe
Guard(R) Reusable Box Sealer and the Globe Guard(R) Reusable Box. Videos of both
products are available on the site so you can see these innovative products in
We know how to
make corrugated containers that can be used over and over again including
RSC shipping boxes, die cut mailer boxes and even two way (round trip)
mailing envelopes for returns, exchanges, etc. In addition to rigid plastic
totes and boxes, we also offer over 21 sizes of standard plastic
corrugated boxes that require no cutting die or tooling investment on your
At Reusable
Packaging Options you will also see our selection of unique stock products
including the Globe Gaurd, reusable cooler and of course our Globe Guard
reusable tote which is low cost and ideal for paper recycling in a school or
office environment.
contact us to discuss your requiremenst and how we can help you save money and
accomplish your sustainability objectives.