SmartKlean Laundry Ball cleans laundry effectively with safe, non-toxic
ingredients without leaving any residues behind on clothes or the environment.
It's ideal for babies, children and people with sensitive skin. It completely
eliminates the need for detergents and softeners for up to 365 loads. Laundry
detergents can leave residue on clothing from harsh ingredients and
petrochemicals. These chemicals are fat soluble, meaning they are easily
absorbed by human skin. Countless studies have linked petrochemicals to a long
list of health problems. Nearly all brands, even green, natural, or free and
clear products use petrochemicals. One SmartKlean Laundry Ball can replace an
average of 30 laundry products including detergents, fabric softeners and dryer
sheets throughout its lifespan. It can also significantly reduce water &
energy costs with shorter wash cycles in cold water (no rinse cycle or hot water
is needed). Make the Switch Today and Save Your Money, Health and Planet!