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Society of People for the Earth, Animals, Compassion & Enlightenment

Houston's premier ethical vegan & animal rights advocacy organization since 2004!

( Member since March 2008.  Listing views:11499 )

    Contact: Kristen Lee Ohanyan
PO Box 6128
City, State: HoustonTexas      Zip:77491-6128
Phone: 832-3030-VEG    2nd Phone: 832-722-1376
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
The Vegan Society of PEACE (People for the Earth, Animals, Compassion & Enlightenment) is a grassroots, community nonprofit organization which educates the public on ethical vegan living, animal rights advocacy, environmental responsibility, peace and nonviolence. We promote peace and compassion for ALL living beings through education, outreach and advocacy. While we dedicate ourselves to ending cruelty to all animals, our primary focus is working to end the exploitation of the billions of land animals and aquatics slaughtered each year for food. We encourage this by promoting an ethical vegan lifestyle. We host a range of events such as social dinners, guest speaker lectures, film screenings, outreach tables and vegan bake sales. We also publish a newsletter and maintain an events calendar in an effort to bring awareness. In addition, we strive to be a support network for people who care about the earth, the animals, compassionate living and the search for knowledge and enlightenment.

1) Animal rights

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
environmental products directory  is  OUR   community project.
300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
Copyright 1998-2016
Our mission is to connect all eco friendly companies and organizations
99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.
organic food, organic body care, organic cotton, food safety
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