green directory of organic, fair trade and green products

SunLight Yoga

Corporate and Private Yoga Instruction in Marin and San Francisco

( Member since November 2008.  Listing views:7921 )

    Contact: Stacie Dooreck
Web Only
City, State: San FranciscoCalifornia      Zip:94121
Phone: 415-939-9642
Online ordering: No     
Yoga or "union" is an ancient science to help us reach a greater connection with ourselves and with the world around us. Hatha yoga includes different postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), deep relaxation and meditation to help calm the mind. The benefits are infinite, ranging from pain relief to peace of mind. Everyone can benefit from yoga, as the practice can be modified to suit your individual needs.

1) Body Work / Energy Work / Meditation

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Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals