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The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue, Inc.

The Flash and Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue, Inc.

( Member since August 2004.  Listing views:13052 )

    Contact: Z. G. Standing Bear
62 Aztec Circle
City, State: DivideColorado      Zip:80814
Phone: 800-735-3160    2nd Phone: 719-687-8087
Fax: 719-687-8082
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
Rescues and provides health care care for abused, abandoned, neglected, no
longer wanted, and/or no longer can care for pet hedgehogs across North America.
Sponsors hedgehog health research and accommodates on average 50 hedgehogs in
residence at the Rescue.  Provides educational programs and sponsorships.  A
UDSA Class C licensee, provides homes for hedgehogs from jurisdictions where
they are illegal to possess.  A Colorado state licensed animal rescue and
shelter and a member of the Colorado Federation of Animal Welfare Agencies.


1) Animal welfare

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