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The Marine Mammal Center

hospital, research and edu center dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals

( Member since July 2000.  Listing views:8389 )

    Contact: Heather Groninger
2000 Bunker Road, Fort Cronkhite
City, State: SausalitoCalifornia      Zip:94965
Phone: 415-289-SEAL    Fax: 415-289-7333
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
The Marine Mammal Center is a nonprofit veterinary hospital, research and educational center dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of ill and injured marine mammals,primarily elephant seals, harbor seals, and California sea lions. Its research team studies the causes of illness in these animals, and by doing so, learns about conditions affecting the health of marine mammal populations and the oceans � discovering conditions that can affect humans as well. In addition, the Center�s education programs teach thousands of students and the visiting public each year about marine mammals and the urgent need for environmental stewardship of earth�s marine environments.

1) Animal welfare

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