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The Meridian Institute for Naturopathic Therapies

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( Member since May 2008.  Listing views:11582 )

    Contact: Jamila Owens-Todd
8748 Big Bend Boulevard
City, State: Webster GrovesMissouri      Zip:63119
Phone: 314-677-4041
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
The Meridian Institute for Naturopathic Therapies (MINT) is a St. Louis naturopathic practice, created to restore, renew and refresh the human body, mind, and spirit through the natural healing science of naturopathic medicine. We employ alternative, preventative and integrative medicine using scientific research, ancient therapies and spiritual healing as means to achieving your health goals.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.
Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals