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The Northern Arizona Second Chance Center for Animals

You can help!

( Member since November 2005.  Listing views:8975 )

    Contact: Kristen / Lyn
11665 N. Highway 89
City, State: FlagstaffArizona      Zip:86004
Phone: 928-526-5964    2nd Phone: 928-714-2212
Fax: 928-714-2213
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
Providing for animal welfare for Northern Arizona and the southwestern U.S. including rescue, care, adoptions, spay/neuter surgeries, mobile veterinary services, disaster sheltering, disaster rescue, low-cost vaccinations, obedience classes, child and adult education and safety training, and emergency animal hospital. We envision a day when all companion animals in Northern Arizona have a good home and all unnecessary euthanization is eliminated.

1) Animal welfare

GreenPeople directory of eco-friendly products
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300 Georgia St., Suite #1, Hollywood,  FL  33019
Copyright 1998-2016
Our mission is to connect all eco friendly companies and organizations
99% of our foods, drinks, pastries, and desserts have been prepared using clean, sustainably raised materials.
organic food, organic body care, organic cotton, food safety
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