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The Piggery

Heirloom Pig Farm and Charcuterie - Pastured pork, sausages & more

( Member since February 2009.  Listing views:7906 )

    Contact: Heather
City, State: TrumansburgNew York      unknown
Phone: 607-342-2245
Online ordering: No     
We raise a a variety of heirloom breeds of pig who are born and spend their lives on pasture. We have a purebred mulefoot boar. Most of our sows are half tamworth with the other half being either berkshire or large black. We also have a purebred Mulefoot sow and a purebred Gloucestershire Old Spot sow. Charcuterie is the French word for both a pork butcher and the products of his labor. A charcutier takes pork and makes sausages, hams, confit, pates, terrines, etc, all of which comprise charcuterie. Charcuterie is the prototypical convenience food. A jar of pate and a baguette is lunch. We can be found at the Ithaca Farmer�s Market on Sundays and Tuesday and occasional Saturdays early and late in the season. We will also be at the Trumansburg Farmer�s Market on Wednesday evenings in season.

1) Organic Meat / Organic Meats Online

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