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The Urban Divers /Harlem River Ecology Center & EnviroMedia Mobile

Urban Nature center for environmental education, community stewardship, culture and maritime

( Member since September 2007.  Listing views:11077 )

    Contact: New York Harbor Estuary
Located at the Southern End of Roberto Clemente State Park & NYC Bridge Park
City, State: Harlem River Wtrft, and Sth Bklyn HarborNew York      ctr-10453
Phone: 718-901-3331    2nd Phone: 718-802-9874
Fax: s/a
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
Founded in 1998, A 501 c3. Not for profit Environmental and Cultural Organization. Working in and with communities challenge with environmental issues on the local waterways, principally the urban estuary and public access to it. The Urban Divers operates centers upriver and downriver. Its Harlem River/Hudson River North Marine Station & Ecology Center, is a multicultural urban nature center, for environmental education community environmental stewardship, culture and maritime. The center offers a host of interpretive exhibits, including a modest estuarium, aviary and herpitarium. The Urban Divers also operates the EnviroMedia Mobile in South Brooklyn Harbor, traveling maritime and nature museum on wheels. The Mobile unit travels to schools, community centers, senior centers, available for community fairs and events, and regional festivals.

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