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University Pain Clinic & Wellness Centre - Bowen Therapy Specialists

NEW Pain Relief Treatment! Highly effective, natural therapy that is safe for everyone.

( Member since February 2011.  Listing views:6014 )

    Contact: Denise Onslow
105 University Avenue East, Suite 8
City, Province: WaterlooOntario   Country: Canada    N2J 2W1
Phone: 519-574-0515
Online ordering: Yes      Mail / Phone order: Yes     
Bowen therapy provides natural, yet highly effective pain relief for back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, migraines, neck pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sports injuries and more. Safe for everyone including newborns, children, expectant mothers, athletes and seniors. Often only a few treatments are required for acute pain.

1) Holistic Health Clinics / Naturopaths / Complementary Alternative Medicine / Integrative Medicine

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Experience the Power of the Ocean with KaiMana� Hawaiian Deep Seawater Trace Minerals