Vanguard ID Systems is a manufacturer of custom printed Cards and Key
Our products are most commonly used for Customer Loyalty or
‘Frequent Shopper’ programs, Membership Cards, Gift Cards, and Debit
or Stored Value cards! They can be used in any standard POS equipment!
Customer Loyalty programs help target offers to your best customers and keep
them coming back to your store.
Increase your bottom line by selling
Gift Cards! Our cards are available with Bar Codes or Magnetic Stripes, and can
be displayed at the POS for perfect impulse purchases!
All of our
products are printed on non-toxic Teslin®, an eco-friendly synthetic paper
manufactured under strict environmental guidelines. Teslin® is durable and
waterproof. It is easily incinerated and yields water, carbon dioxide, energy
and a clean ash when burned. It is non-toxic, recyclable and does not contribute
to forest harvesting. It is also much more durable than traditional PVC