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Wichita Falls Reptile Rescue

Educators & Care Advisors. Temporary to Permanent Sanctuary for Lizards, Turtles, and Snakes.

( Member since April 2008.  Listing views:10695 )

    Contact: Mick
Not Disclosed to Public Until an Individual Contacts Us. Must See Website First.
City, State: Wichita FallsTexas      Zip:76310
Phone: web only
Online ordering: No      Nonprofit: Yes
We are first and foremost reptile educators and care advisers. In this way we hope that we can prevent many animals from needing to be rescued or re-homed in the first place. We are experienced in many different reptile species, including: Geckos, Anoles, Iguanas, Bearded Dragons, Monitors, aquatic and box turtles, tortoises, colubrid and venomous snakes, and Horned Lizards ( genus Phrynosoma ). We can advise you about a variety of captive care issues, and are available to speak to the public about the study and conservation of reptiles in the wild. We also have experience with squirrels, rabbits, and with some wild and domestic birds. We can assist in emergencies with these and many other animals in our area; or, direct you to someone or another appropriate rescue group who can help. Wichita Falls Reptile Rescue is here to provide temporary to permanent sanctuary, medical care, and adoption, to needy reptiles and some limited small mammals such as squirrels and feral rabbits.

1) Animal welfare

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