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WildCare: Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital & Nature Education Center

( Member since January 2010.  Listing views:9268 )

    Contact: Melanie Piazza, Director of Animal Care
76 Albert Park Lane
City, State: San RafaelCalifornia      Zip:94901
Phone: 415-456-SAVE    2nd Phone: 415-453-1000
Fax: 415-456-0594
Online ordering: Yes      Nonprofit: Yes
WildCare is a 501c3 non-profit organization. WildCare teaches people how to "Live Well With Wildlife" through a full range of programs including our: *Wildlife Rehabilitation Hospital which treats over 3,000 injured and orphaned wild animals annually for release back into the wild. We accept all native and non-native wildlife but no domestic, farm or exotic animals. Wildlife Hospital is open for intake 9-5, 365 days a year. * Nature education programs: school visits, camps, guided hikes, interpretive courtyard and museum and many more. Spanish & English available. * Wildlife Solutions: A professional humane exlusion service for homeowners, business owners and renters who want a humane, non-lethal and long-term solution to 'nuisance' wildlife in their yard or home. * Volunteer Programs: WildCare is run with very few paid staff and mostly by volunteers. Student Volunteer Program ages 12-18, high school and college internships and adult volunteer opportunities available.

1) Animal welfare

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